

Inspirational stories of overcoming setbacks and struggles, and cautionary tales of corruption and failure; movies about the business tend to be of two kinds. Of the two, there are plenty more of the second. Let’s face it: stories about functional businesses – where management is practical and smart, employees are respected and valued, and customers are satisfied and dependable – don’t exactly deliver the drama that we would like out of a movie.

That doesn’t mean a business person can’t learn a lot from the films, though – just that you just can learn more about what to not do than what to try and do. After all, learning what to try and do is what graduate school is for. Learning what to not do is entertainment. Thereupon in mind, aside from you checking out Movierulz for movie the best movie ideas, here are our picks for the most effective business movies of all time.

1. Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010)

Film critics would argue that the primary Wall Street should be first on the list. No doubt, it’s a classic: Michael Douglas’ effortless cool and way of wearing a tailored suit shaped the design of the 000 Wall Street for over twenty years. In Wall Street (1987), Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) is so slick and compelling a sharper that just about everyone who saw the film forgot he was the villain; he robs and pillages without an oz of conscience or compassion. But the reason why the sequel is on this list, that’s exactly why.

2. The Godfather (1972)

Family drama, gangster thriller, work of art, and also the best advertisement for cannoli the cinema ever produced, the Godfather could be a lot of things. It also invented the term “badda-bing,” that Mafia wannabes will forever be grateful. But The Godfather is additionally an exemplary guide to business.

3. Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)

Sales are tough. Like David Mamet’s Glengarry Glen Ross, nothing quite captures the rugged, outsized confidence of the pitiful desperation of a failed one or a successful salesman, there are lots of movies, novels, and plays about just how hard, most famously Death of a Salesman is. In Glengarry Glen Ross, a “motivator” from the pinnacle office visits a regional realty office to deliver a message from management: the 2 lowest sales for the week are going to be fired.

4. Boiler Room (2000)

A seductive observe the seediest side of Wall Street, Boiler Room is just like the illegitimate child of Wall Street and Glengarry Glen Ross. At J.T. Marlin, a “pump and dump” firm that artificially inflates the stock prices of failing businesses, unscrupulous young brokers make a fortune hard-selling overpriced stocks to investors, knowing the companies are already dead. And like Wall Street and Glengarry Glen Ross, Boiler Room has become an unlikely business guide and something of a cult classic. Boiler Room makes this unethical world as romantic to the viewer because it is to Ribisi’s neophyte protagonist with its cast of good-looking, ridiculously charismatic stars.


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5. The Social Network (2010)

Has been criticized for its historical inaccuracies and unflattering depiction of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was David Fincher’s The Social Network – written by hyperverbalist Aaron Sorkin. To which film lovers say, “So?” Because the tagline reads, you don’t get to 500 million friends without making some enemies, Mark Zuckerberg might not be the socially inept, heartless misogynist Jesse Eisenberg portrays. According to the film, the enemies Zuckerberg makes are, unfortunately, the buddies who helped get him there.

6. Citizen Kane (1941)

The greatest American film in history is additionally one of every of the simplest business films in history. A heavily fictionalized – more loosely inspired – biopic of William Randolph Hearst, writer, director, and star movie maker plays Charles Foster Kane, who rises from poverty (via the invention of a gold mine on his family’s property) to enormous wealth and power. Kane has enough influence to almost elect himself governor and scare up a war with Spain as a young newspaper tycoon. A fall comes from that height, of course. Not in wealth but in his humanity, he dies richer than ever though.

7. The Apartment (1960)

The Apartment was controversial in its day for its frank depiction of infidelity, as one of writer-director Billy Wilder’s incredible string of hits within the 50s and 60s. Histrion (who makes this list twice as a star of Glengarry Glen Ross) plays C.C. Baxter, a lonely office worker for a brand new York nondepository financial institution. Weak-willed and unambitious, Baxter allows company executives to use his apartment for meetings with their mistresses, reciprocally permanently personnel reports. Together with his mistress, Miss Kubelik, the item of Baxter’s affection, he blackmails Baxter for exclusive apartment privileges when the personnel director catches on to the scheme.

8. Office Space (1999)

Office Space features a simple lesson for businesspeople: embezzlement is fun. Wait, that can’t be right. A flop when it had been first released (writer-director Mike Judge complained that it had been poorly marketed), video, and DVD made it a cult classic among IT workers and other frustrated rank-and-file office drones. At the center of the 90s tech-powered economic boom – all of these young professionals who did everything “right” (going to school, choosing a practical, stable job, working hard) and located themselves trapped in cubicles with managers who had no idea a way to motivate them or perhaps what they did, this dark comedy tapped into a deep well of resentment.


Categories: Business
