Office politics garnered different opinions and concerns from employees, especially from women. In general, politics is the ability to transfer the unwritten rules into the ways things are done by whom. This basically includes knowing the motivations of others in the workplace. Eventually, this knowledge will be used to influence others in processes that may improve the personal interest of an individual and the overall objectives of the organization.

With that, most women are not fond of liking office politics. Most of them experiencing and seeing this kind of parasite in the workplace consider it dirty or dishonest. This will then result in a reduction in their job satisfaction. But, why do women dislike office politics? Let’s find it out here!

Why Women Dislike Politics at Work?

Most women working in the office are allergic to the so-called office politics. Below are the reasons why:

Office Politics are Inauthentic

Creating politics means making alliances in order to stay closer to the source of authority. Women in the office believed that this was something inauthentic and sometimes duplicitous.

Penalties are very big

Assertive and competitive are the two popular characteristics of office politics. And, based on studies, women are generally judged harshly because of this. The consequence is that they are actually penalized.

Categories: Business & Politics
